28th Annual ESGE meeting: time for a change !

The European Society for Gynecological Endocopy (ESGE) is the largest international scientific association of gynecological endoscopists grouping more than 6,000 members. During its 28th annual congress celebration the Walking Egg team was highlighted for their major achievements in front of 2200 participants from more than 80 countries. 
In a laudatio spoken by Prof Gordts (Leuven), Dr. Rudi Campo was honored as an honorary member of the association in reward for his contribution as ESGE chairman (2014-2016) and for his immense commitment and work during the last 25 years.  
Also, considerable attention was paid to our journal "Facts, Views & Vision in ObGyn" (FV&V in ObGyn) during the opening ceremony as, under the special care of Prof. dr. Willem Ombelet, designated Editor-in-Chief for the next 5 years, a fruitful collaboration between the Walking Egg and ESGE was confirmed putting our journal on the spotlight to become the new official magazine of the ESGE from 2019 onwards. The FV&V in ObGyn magazine has been around for 10 years with major achievements including PubMed indexation, an important number of citations and the kick-off for obtaining an "Impact Factor" thanks to our publisher Universa Press (Ghent). 
This congress was the opportunity to luch the two first issues for 2019 including the novelty of video QR-inserts in our articles from 2020 onwards, an urgent need for endoscopists with scientific interest. Both issues reached unanimous positive reactions.
Additionally, the uniqueness of the FV&V in ObGyn, due to the collaboration with artist Koen Vanmechelen responsible for the art design covers and illustrations of our magazine, was claimed as an actual dialogue between science and art. As a key-note speaker, Koen Vanmechelen gave a wonderful and inspiring presentation during the opening ceremony of the congress, receiving countless acclaims. 
We are convinced that our magazine has a bright future in perspective !